E-mail Print Settings

When an e-mail is sent to the address of this machine, a file attached to this mail is printed out.
List of Set Up Items
Item Description
E-MAIL PRINT Select this option to use the E-mail printing.
POP3 Server Enter the IP address or host name of the POP3 server.
User Name Enter the user name. The special user account is required for e-mail printing.
Password Enter the password. To change the password, set [Change Password] to and enter the new password in the text box.
Enable SSL If set to , the POP over SSL communication or the POP over TLS communication by STLS command is enabled. This requires the server to support the POP over SSL communication or the STLS command.
To allow the POP over SSL communication, set the [Port Number] to the POP over SSL communication port number.
To allow POP over TLS communication, set the [Port Number] to the same port number as for the normal POP3 communication.
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