"DNS" Tab

Use this tab to configure DNS settings.
When settings are changed, the changes will take effect after the machine is restarted. To restart the machine, see "TURNING ON OR OFF THE POWER AND RESTARTING THE MACHINE".

DNS Settings

Primary Server
Enter the IP address of primary DNS server.
Secondary Server
Enter the IP address of secondary DNS server.
Enter a timeout. The default setting is 20 seconds.
This time is used until the connection to the DNS server is established according to the standard specifications.
Domain Name
Enter the domain name where the selected DNS server exists.
Dynamic DNS Updating
Set this option to use the dynamic updating of DNS server.
Updating Interval
Enter an interval to update the DNS server.

"WINS" Tab

Use this tab to configure WINS settings.
When settings are changed, the changes will take effect after the machine is restarted. To restart the machine, see "TURNING ON OR OFF THE POWER AND RESTARTING THE MACHINE".

WINS Settings

Primary Server
Enter the IP address of primary WINS server.
Secondary Server
Enter the IP address of secondary WINS server.
Scope ID
Enter the scope ID.

"SMTP" Tab

Use this tab to configure SMTP settings.
When settings are changed, the changes will take effect after the machine is restarted. To restart the machine, see "TURNING ON OR OFF THE POWER AND RESTARTING THE MACHINE".

SMTP Settings

Primary Server
Enter the IP address or the host name of the primary SMTP server.
Secondary Server
Enter the IP address or the host name of the secondary SMTP server.
Port Number
Enter a port number. The default setting is port 25.
Enter a timeout. The default setting is 20 seconds. This value is used for connection to the SMTP server and for data transmission according to the e-mail system specifications.
Reply E-mail Address
If data transmission has failed, the undelivered e-mail may be returned from the server.
Enter an e-mail address (a single address only) to receive such undelivered mails.
Usually, enter the e-mail address of the system administrator.
Enable SSL
If is selected, the SMTP-over-TLS encryption communication can be used by STARTTLS command.
This requires the server to support the STARTTLS command.
To allow SSL communication, set the "Port Number" to the same port number as the normal SMTP.
SMTP Authentication
If is set, the SMTP server authentication is carried out.
If you use the Kerberos authentication, set the KDC server, port number, and realm on the Kerberos authentication settings page.
User Name
Enter the user name.
Enter the password.
To change the password, set [Change Password] to .
POP before SMTP
If is set, you are authenticated to the POP server before using the SMTP communication.
  • POP3 Server: Enter the IP address or the host name of the secondary SMTP server.
  • Port Number: Enter the POP3 port number for POP before SMTP communication. The default setting is port 110.
  • POP Authentication: If is set, the authentication protocol (including APOP) is used for authentication to the POP3 server.
  • User Name: Enter the user name for POP before SMTP communication.
  • Password: Enter the password required for POP before SMTP communication. To change the password, set [Change Password] to .
  • Enable SSL: If set to , the POP over SSL communication or the POP over TLS communication by STLS command is enabled.
    This requires the server to support the POP over SSL communication or the STLS command.
    To allow SSL communication, set the "Port Number" to the POP over SSL communication port number.
    To allow POP over TLS communication, set the "Port Number" to the same port number as for the normal POP3 communication.
Connection Test
Tap the [Execute] key to test the connection to the SMTP server.

"SNMP" Tab

Use this tab to configure SNMP settings.
When settings are changed, the changes will take effect after the machine is restarted. To restart the machine, see "TURNING ON OR OFF THE POWER AND RESTARTING THE MACHINE".

SNMP v1 Settings

SNMP v1 Settings
Set this option to use the SNMPv1 settings.
Access Method
Set an access method.
GET Community
Enter the GET community name to fetch the device information using SNMP.
SET Community
Enter the SET community name required for SNMP setting.
To change the SET community, set .
TRAP Community
Enter the community name to be used for the SNMP TRAP sent from the device.
TRAP Target Address
Enter the IP address of the destination computer for SNMP TRAP communication.

SNMP v3 Settings

SNMP v3 Settings
Set this option to use the SNMPv3 settings.
User Name
Enter the user name.
Authentication Key
Enter the authentication key.
Privacy Key
Enter the privacy key.
Context Name
The context name is displayed.

"Kerberos" Tab

Use this tab to configure Kerberos settings.
When settings are changed, the changes will take effect after the machine is restarted. To restart the machine, see "TURNING ON OR OFF THE POWER AND RESTARTING THE MACHINE".

Kerberos Authentication Settings

KDC Server
Enter the IP address or host name of the Kerberos authentication server.
Port Number
Enter the port number of the Kerberos authentication server. The default setting is port 88.
Enter the Kerberos realm.

"SNTP" Tab

Use this tab to configure SNTP settings.
When settings are changed, the changes will take effect after the machine is restarted. To restart the machine, see "TURNING ON OR OFF THE POWER AND RESTARTING THE MACHINE".

SNTP Settings

Set this option to use the SNTP protocol.
SNTP Server
Enter the IP address or host name of the SNTP server.
Port Number
Enter a port number. The default setting is port 123.
Enter a timeout. The default setting is 5 seconds.
Synchronous Interval
Enter an interval to synchronize to the SNTP server.
Synchronize Upon Start
To establish synchronization during machine startup, set to .
Synchronize Now
When tapped, the machine is synchronized with the SNTP server time.

"mDNS" Tab

Use this tab to configure mDNS settings.
When settings are changed, the changes will take effect after the machine is restarted. To restart the machine, see "TURNING ON OR OFF THE POWER AND RESTARTING THE MACHINE".

mDNS Settings

Set this option to use the mDNS settings.
Service Name
Enter a service name.
Domain Name
Enter the domain name.
Priority Service
Select a service you use with the priority.
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